The Grace Fellowship Worship Team exists to edify and encourage the body of Christ within this church as a part of the worship ministry/team.
Our goal is to praise and worship God, not just in meetings but also with our lives so that ‘The words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts’ are acceptable to the Lord (Psalm 19:14).
Within a meeting, the goal is to lead the congregation into the presence of God and set the stage for the preaching of the Word of God with the goal of changing lives into the image of God. Music is one of the tools for achieving this purpose.
Interested in learning more about being a part of Worship Team?
Read our Guidelines below and fill out this Questionnaire. We’d love to meet you!
1. Personal Spiritual Growth: Make personal devotions a priority. Our spiritual preparation has a direct effect on our effectiveness as a music ministry team. We need to come ready not only to sing and play music but to worship the King and minister to His people. The essential element in this is our relationship with the Lord. Without a close relationship to the Lord, the worship team will NOT be effective regardless of musical ability. As a leadership ministry, we need to be committed to maturing in Jesus. A stagnant spiritual life means a stagnant worship team. Encourage and challenge one another.
2. Thursday Evening practice and Sunday morning rehearsal: All team members are expected to attend the Thursday night and Sunday morning practice. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before the start time. If you need more time to work on your instruments, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to do the necessary set up so you are ready on time.
3. Punctuality: We have a limited amount of time to rehearse and prepare on Thursday night and Sunday morning. Having someone be consistently late prevents the team from working together as best we can to honor the Lord. We will seek to be gracious when justifying circumstances occur, but if a pattern of lateness begins to hinder the team, a member may be asked to step down.
4. Commitment to musical expertise: We need to work at our instrumental and/or vocal ability to become the very best we can be for God’s glory. This means a great deal of individual practice (maybe even lessons) as well as playing with the team. Keep in mind that the team will only be as musically proficient as the individuals that make it up.
5. Commitment to “flowing” with the team: More than individual expertise, our musical goal needs to be the ability to “flow” with the team. We need to look at our team as not just a collection of separate musicians and singers but as a single unit with a single purpose. Our hearts’ attitudes should not be to shine forth our own technical skill but to use that skill to enhance the team. Worship ministry is a team effort.